02 May Airconstruct moves up one tier
Airconstruct moves up one tier
We are very pleased to announce that we have had our Integrated Management System third party certified. We will soon receive our stripes for ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 Environment Management Systems and AS 4801 Safety Management Systems. These are national and internationally recognized accreditations. While the little logo’s at the bottom of this page may not seem like much, they are in fact a big deal.
They represent a commitment to our valued customers to provide and maintain an extremely high level of quality in all aspects of our business. A level of quality so high that less than 0.5% of Australian business are 9001 accredited and less than .09% are 14001 accredited.
It’s been a long road and a lot of hard work with quite a few hoops. We have had visits from the friendly auditor Dwayne, we have worked our QA Officer, Donna Byrne to the bone, and we have created a long document trail with a complicated name. At the end of the day we are very proud of our new stripes. Well done Donna and a big thanks to all of our staff who made this possible.